What is Hard Water and Why is it Bad?

Negative Effects of Hard Water on Plumbing

Hard water? That doesn’t sound possible, right? Water is a liquid so, how can it be hard? Well, if you’ve ever noticed ugly stains in your sinks or bathtubs or have noticed chalky-looking deposits on faucets or shower heads, you’ve actually witnessed the results of hard water right before your eyes. So, what exactly is hard water and why is it so bad? Find out below!

What is Hard Water?

No, hard water doesn’t actually feel “hard” to the touch. It’s simply water that contains a high level of mineral content. In fact, hard water is the natural result of minerals like calcium and magnesium that accumulate in water during the water cycle.

Hard water can be found both in well water and in city water (or from your local municipality) and the more minerals found in the water, the “harder” the water becomes.

Where can hard water be found, you ask? It’s quite simple. Hard water can be found both in the groundwater in your area and in the drinking water that flows through your plumbing fixtures. As water passes over limestone underground, it has tendencies to pick up calcium and magnesium deposits which eventually end up in your home.

So, is hard water dangerous? Not exactly, but we’re going to point out some of the things to be on the lookout for as well as reasons why it’s not favorable, below.

Signs You Have Hard Water

Keep an eye out for one, or more, of the key hard water indicators, below:

  • Chalky residue on plumbing fixtures (bathtub faucets, shower heads, sinks)
  • Rough clothing and linens
  • Stains on tile and porcelain (in the shower and on the toilet bowl)
  • Rough, dry skin and flat hair
  • Noticeably low water pressure

Why is Hard Water Bad?

Hard water can be harmful to your family and your home for a number of reasons. First, it can make your tap water taste or smell funny — be on the lookout for water that tastes or smells like rotten eggs or metal.

It can also take a toll on your plumbing fixtures including faucets, drains, toilets and pipes. You may be able to get rid of ugly brown or red stains, but it goes beyond that! You’ll want to get your hard water problem fixed by a professional before it does even more damage.

This leads us to issues with water heaters and pipes. Hard water tends to cause sediment buildup in water heater tanks which could cause them to malfunction or wear down faster than they should. When it comes to your pipes, hard water can cause premature corrosion which could eventually lead to pipe bursts and/or leaks.

A few additional downsides to hard water include clothes that lose their rich color, wear and tear on appliances like washing machines and dishwashers, dry, itchy skin and low water pressure throughout the house.

So, is there a solution or a way to fight back? There sure is!

Water Softening Systems

Water softeners work to remove minerals from your home’s water to prevent scale buildup and other negative effects of hard water. By adding potassium or sodium to the brine of your water tank, the water softener counteracts harder minerals, like calcium and magnesium. This mineral adjustment helps to keep your pipework well-maintained and for longer.

Ready to combat your hard water problem today? You’ve come to the right place! At Plumbing Plus, we provide custom water conditioning solutions for customers who want top-of-the-line technology to create softer water. We have access to a variety of water softening technologies and methods, and we have the knowledge and skill to help you find the best solution for your home, business, or other property. Call us today at.